invertedai_simulate package#



invertedai_simulate.interface module#

exception invertedai_simulate.interface.ClientHandshakeError[source]#

Bases: Exception

class invertedai_simulate.interface.IAIEnv(config)[source]#

Bases: gym.core.Env

A gym environment that connects to the iai server application running the simulation

static add_config(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) None[source]#

Override close in your subclass to perform any necessary cleanup.

Environments will automatically close() themselves when garbage collected or when the program exits.


Returns the map of the scenario in OSM format

render_init(sensors_dict, renderer='pygame', scale=1, notebook_display=None, notebook_image=None)[source]#

Restarts the scenario :param rand_seed


Returns the current location of all agents

set_scenario(scenario_name, world_parameters=None, vehicle_physics=None, scenario_parameters=None, sensors=None)[source]#
  • scenario_name

  • world_parameters

  • vehicle_physics

  • scenario_parameters

  • sensors


Return type

step(action: Tuple[float, float]) Tuple[object, float, bool, dict][source]#

Accepts the next action of the ego vehicle and generates the next state of all the agents in the world :param action: :type action: :return: :rtype:

exception invertedai_simulate.interface.ServerTimeoutError[source]#

Bases: Exception

invertedai_simulate.utils module#

class invertedai_simulate.utils.ClientSideBoundingBoxes[source]#

Bases: object

This is a module responsible for creating 3D bounding boxes and drawing them client-side on pygame surface.

static draw_bounding_boxes_on_array(img, actor_tracks, draw2d=False, occlusion=False)[source]#

Draws bounding boxes on the given image from the camera.

static get_2d_bbox(actor_tracks, sensor_location, sensor_rotation, fov, res, car_location, car_rotation, coordinate_system='carla', occlusion=False)[source]#
static get_matrix(transform)[source]#

Creates matrix from carla transform.

static get_transform_matrix(location, rotation)[source]#

Creates matrix from carla transform.

static make_calibration(fov, size_x, size_y)[source]#
class invertedai_simulate.utils.ControllerNoiseType[source]#

Bases: object

TEMPORAL = 'temporal'#
UNIFORM = 'uniform'#
class invertedai_simulate.utils.Display(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution = Resolution(width=1280, height=720))[source]#

Bases: object

Base class for displays that does nothing with received image.


res (Res) – Resolution of this display.

attach_to(feed) None[source]#

Attach to a specific camera.


feed (sensors.Camera) – Camera to attach to.

close() None[source]#
destroy() None[source]#

Disconnect from camera and close self. Can’t be restarted after destroying.

detach() None[source]#

Detach from the camera and stop displaying.

intercept_event(event: <module 'pygame.event' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>) bool[source]#
render(array: numpy.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) None[source]#

Process the provided camera image.

  • array (np.array of np.uint8) – Height by width by 3 (RGB color channels) image array.

  • offset – Position of the top left corner in screen coordinates to start rendering from. Subclasses may ignore it if not supported.

resize(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution) None[source]#

Change own resolution and reconnect to the camera, so it can adjust the images sent.


res (Res) – New resolution.

start() None[source]#

Restart the display, reconnecting to last used camera.

stop() None[source]#

Stop the display, remembering the camera connected to but disconnecting from it.

exception invertedai_simulate.utils.NotSpawnedError[source]#

Bases: RuntimeError

Indicates an attempt to use a sensor that is not instantiated in any world.

class invertedai_simulate.utils.PyGameWindow(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution = Resolution(width=1280, height=720), fullscreen: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: invertedai_simulate.utils.Display

PyGame window displayed on the monitor. Using fake display with pygame will make it invisible. The window is necessary to capture key strokes.

intercept_event(event: <module 'pygame.event' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>) bool[source]#

Intercepts window resizing events.

render(array: numpy.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) None[source]#

Process the provided camera image.

  • array (np.array of np.uint8) – Height by width by 3 (RGB color channels) image array.

  • offset – Position of the top left corner in screen coordinates to start rendering from. Subclasses may ignore it if not supported.

resize(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution) None[source]#

Resize to new resolution. Underlying PyGame implementation is not very reliable.

set_display() None[source]#
split_screen(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution, offset: Tuple[int, int]) invertedai_simulate.utils.SplitScreen[source]#

Create a smaller screen from a part of this one.

class invertedai_simulate.utils.Res[source]#

Bases: object

Some commonly used resolutions.

BIRDVIEW = Resolution(width=256, height=256)#
CIL = Resolution(width=200, height=88)#
DEFAULT = Resolution(width=1280, height=720)#
MD = Resolution(width=320, height=240)#
SD = Resolution(width=640, height=480)#
class invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution(width, height)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class invertedai_simulate.utils.SensorSettings[source]#

Bases: object

Available_Camera_types = ['rgb-camera', 'segmentation', 'depth-camera']#
Available_Reference_Frame = ['carla']#
Available_Sensors = ['camera']#
Available_Tracked_Actors = ['vehicles', 'pedestrians', 'traffic-lights', 'parked_vehicles']#
Default_Settings = {'boundingbox': {'attach_to_actor': 'ego', 'frame_of_reference': 'carla', 'location': Location(x=0, y=0, z=0), 'occlusion': False, 'radius': 100000, 'rotation': Rotation(yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0), 'sensor_type': 'boundingbox', 'track_actor_types': ['vehicles', 'pedestrians', 'traffic-lights', 'parked_vehicles'], 'world_sensor': False}, 'camera': {'bounding_box': True, 'camera_type': 'rgb-camera', 'fov': 90.0, 'location': Location(x=1.6, y=0, z=1.7), 'resolution': Resolution(width=200, height=88), 'rotation': Rotation(yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0), 'sensor_type': 'camera', 'show_bounding_boxes': True, 'track_actor_types': ['vehicles', 'pedestrians', 'traffic-lights', 'parked_vehicles'], 'world_sensor': False}}#
class Location(x, y, z)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2

class Resolution(width, height)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class Rotation(yaw, pitch, roll)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class invertedai_simulate.utils.SplitScreen(res: invertedai_simulate.utils.Resolution, offset: Tuple[int, int], parent: invertedai_simulate.utils.Display)[source]#

Bases: invertedai_simulate.utils.Display

A split screen display uses a part of a larger display. Can only be used on displays that allow rendering with offset.

  • res (Res) – Resolution of this display.

  • offset ((int, int)) – Left right corner of this display in pixels of parent display.

  • parent (Display) – Larger display to use a part of.

intercept_event(event: <module 'pygame.event' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>) bool[source]#
render(array: numpy.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) None[source]#

Process the provided camera image.

  • array (np.array of np.uint8) – Height by width by 3 (RGB color channels) image array.

  • offset – Position of the top left corner in screen coordinates to start rendering from. Subclasses may ignore it if not supported.

invertedai_simulate.zmq_client module#

class invertedai_simulate.zmq_client.ApiMessagingClient(server_address, client_name)[source]#

Bases: invertedai_simulate.zmq_client.ZMQClient

The concrete class that handles handshaking and other communications to the zmq server

initialize(scenario, world_parameters=None, vehicle_physics=None, scenario_parameters=None, sensors=None)[source]#
send_command(command_text, data=None)[source]#
class invertedai_simulate.zmq_client.ZMQClient(server_address)[source]#

Bases: object

This class provides methods for establishing connections with the client and exchanging data using flatbuffers for serialization of data


Module contents#