Source code for invertedai_simulate.utils

import collections
from typing import Tuple, Optional
from skimage.draw import line_aa
import logging
import pygame
import numpy as np
import cv2

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Resolution = collections.namedtuple('Resolution', ['width', 'height'])

    'vehicles': (15, 3, 252),
    'pedestrians': (252, 186, 3),
    'traffic-lights': (252, 3, 3),
    'parked_vehicles': (15, 3, 252),
BB_COLOR = (248, 64, 24)
FONT_COLOR = (255, 0, 0)

[docs]class ControllerNoiseType: UNIFORM = "uniform" TEMPORAL = "temporal"
[docs]class Res: """ Some commonly used resolutions. """ DEFAULT = Resolution(1280, 720) CIL = Resolution(200, 88) BIRDVIEW = Resolution(256, 256) SD = Resolution(640, 480) MD = Resolution(320, 240)
[docs]class SensorSettings: Available_Sensors = ['camera'] Available_Camera_types = ['rgb-camera', 'segmentation', 'depth-camera'] Location = collections.namedtuple('Location', ['x', 'y', 'z']) Rotation = collections.namedtuple('Rotation', ['yaw', 'pitch', 'roll']) Resolution = collections.namedtuple('Resolution', ['width', 'height']) Available_Tracked_Actors = ['vehicles', 'pedestrians', 'traffic-lights', 'parked_vehicles'] Available_Reference_Frame = ['carla'] # 'opendrive', 'geolocation' will be added Default_Settings = { 'camera': { 'sensor_type': 'camera', 'camera_type': 'rgb-camera', 'bounding_box': True, 'track_actor_types': Available_Tracked_Actors, # or 'all' 'show_bounding_boxes': True, 'world_sensor': False, 'location': Location(x=1.6, z=1.7, y=0), 'rotation': Rotation(yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0), 'resolution': Resolution(200, 88), 'fov': 90.0, }, 'boundingbox': { 'sensor_type': 'boundingbox', 'track_actor_types': Available_Tracked_Actors, # or 'all' 'world_sensor': False, 'location': Location(x=0, z=0, y=0), 'rotation': Rotation(yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0), 'frame_of_reference': 'carla', # if world_sensor=True returns coordinated based on either 'carla', 'opendrive', 'geolocation' 'attach_to_actor': 'ego', 'radius': 100000, # If not specified all world is considered 'occlusion': False, }, }
# ============================================================================== # -- ClientSideBoundingBoxes --------------------------------------------------- # ==============================================================================
[docs]class ClientSideBoundingBoxes(object): """ This is a module responsible for creating 3D bounding boxes and drawing them client-side on pygame surface. """
[docs] @staticmethod def make_calibration(fov, size_x, size_y): f = size_x / (2 * np.tan(fov * np.pi / 360.)) cx0 = size_x / 2 cy0 = size_y / 2 return np.array([[f, 0.0, cx0], [0.0, f, cy0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_2d_bbox(actor_tracks, sensor_location, sensor_rotation, fov, res, car_location, car_rotation, coordinate_system='carla', occlusion=False): # world location and rotaion of the sensor # position of the car must be taken into account bb2d = {} if coordinate_system == 'carla': sensor_matrix = ClientSideBoundingBoxes.get_transform_matrix(sensor_location, sensor_rotation) vehicle_world_matrix = ClientSideBoundingBoxes.get_transform_matrix(car_location, car_rotation) sensor_world_matrix =, sensor_matrix) world_sensor_matrix = np.linalg.inv(sensor_world_matrix) elif coordinate_system == 'ego': sensor_matrix = ClientSideBoundingBoxes.get_transform_matrix(sensor_location, sensor_rotation) world_sensor_matrix = np.linalg.inv(sensor_matrix) else: world_sensor_matrix = np.eye(4) calibration = ClientSideBoundingBoxes.make_calibration(float(fov), float(res.width), float(res.height)) for actor_type in actor_tracks: actor_type_tracks = actor_tracks[actor_type] bb2d[actor_type] = {} for actor_id in actor_type_tracks: track = actor_type_tracks[actor_id]['cords'] cords_x_y_z = np.matrix(, track)[:3, :]) cords_y_minus_z_x = np.concatenate([cords_x_y_z[1, :], -cords_x_y_z[2, :], cords_x_y_z[0, :]]) bbox = np.transpose(, cords_y_minus_z_x)) camera_bbox = np.concatenate([bbox[:, 0] / bbox[:, 2], bbox[:, 1] / bbox[:, 2], bbox[:, 2]], axis=1) if all(camera_bbox[:, 2] > 0): bb2d[actor_type][actor_id] = {} bb2d[actor_type][actor_id]['cords'] = camera_bbox if occlusion: bb2d[actor_type][actor_id]['occlusion'] = actor_type_tracks[actor_id]['occlusion'] return bb2d
[docs] @staticmethod def get_transform_matrix(location, rotation): """ Creates matrix from carla transform. """ c_y = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.yaw)) s_y = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.yaw)) c_r = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.roll)) s_r = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.roll)) c_p = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.pitch)) s_p = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.pitch)) matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(4)) matrix[0, 3] = location.x matrix[1, 3] = location.y matrix[2, 3] = location.z matrix[0, 0] = c_p * c_y matrix[0, 1] = c_y * s_p * s_r - s_y * c_r matrix[0, 2] = -c_y * s_p * c_r - s_y * s_r matrix[1, 0] = s_y * c_p matrix[1, 1] = s_y * s_p * s_r + c_y * c_r matrix[1, 2] = -s_y * s_p * c_r + c_y * s_r matrix[2, 0] = s_p matrix[2, 1] = -c_p * s_r matrix[2, 2] = c_p * c_r return matrix
[docs] @staticmethod def get_matrix(transform): """ Creates matrix from carla transform. """ rotation = transform.rotation location = transform.location c_y = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.yaw)) s_y = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.yaw)) c_r = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.roll)) s_r = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.roll)) c_p = np.cos(np.radians(rotation.pitch)) s_p = np.sin(np.radians(rotation.pitch)) matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(4)) matrix[0, 3] = location.x matrix[1, 3] = location.y matrix[2, 3] = location.z matrix[0, 0] = c_p * c_y matrix[0, 1] = c_y * s_p * s_r - s_y * c_r matrix[0, 2] = -c_y * s_p * c_r - s_y * s_r matrix[1, 0] = s_y * c_p matrix[1, 1] = s_y * s_p * s_r + c_y * c_r matrix[1, 2] = -s_y * s_p * c_r + c_y * s_r matrix[2, 0] = s_p matrix[2, 1] = -c_p * s_r matrix[2, 2] = c_p * c_r return matrix
[docs] @staticmethod def draw_bounding_boxes_on_array(img, actor_tracks, draw2d=False, occlusion=False): """ Draws bounding boxes on the given image from the camera. """ height, width, _ = img.shape for actor_type in actor_tracks: actor_type_tracks = actor_tracks[actor_type] BB_COLOR = BB_COLOR_DICT[actor_type] # for ind, track in enumerate(actor_type_tracks): for track_id in actor_type_tracks: # breakpoint() # if tracks: track = actor_type_tracks[track_id]['cords'].astype(int) track[:, 0] = np.clip(track[:, 0], 0, width - 1).astype(int) # TODO: BUG: Squashes the bboxes to edges track[:, 1] = np.clip(track[:, 1], 0, height - 1).astype(int) rmin = np.min(track[:8, 1]) rmax = np.max(track[:8, 1]) cmin = np.min(track[:8, 0]) cmax = np.max(track[:8, 0]) if draw2d: rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmin, rmin, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (255, 255, 255) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmin, rmax, cmin) # img[rr, cc] = (255, 255, 255) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmax, cmin, rmax, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (255, 255, 255) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmax, rmax, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (255, 255, 255) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR # Inner BOX # rmax = np.min(track[:4, 1]) # rmin = np.max(track[4:8, 1]) # right = np.max(track[[0,3,4,7], 0]) # left = np.min(track[[1,2,5,6], 0]) # cmin = min(right, left) # cmax = max(right, left) # # cmin = np.min(track[:8, 0]) # # cmax = np.max(track[:8, 0]) # rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmin, rmin, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 0) # rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmin, rmax, cmin) # img[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 0) # rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmax, cmin, rmax, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 0) # rr, cc, val = line_aa(rmin, cmax, rmax, cmax) # img[rr, cc] = (0, 0, 0) else: # Base rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[0, 1], track[0, 0], track[1, 1], track[1, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[1, 1], track[1, 0], track[2, 1], track[2, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[2, 1], track[2, 0], track[3, 1], track[3, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[3, 1], track[3, 0], track[0, 1], track[0, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR # top rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[4, 1], track[4, 0], track[5, 1], track[5, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[5, 1], track[5, 0], track[6, 1], track[6, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[6, 1], track[6, 0], track[7, 1], track[7, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[7, 1], track[7, 0], track[4, 1], track[4, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR # base-top rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[0, 1], track[0, 0], track[4, 1], track[4, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[1, 1], track[1, 0], track[5, 1], track[5, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[2, 1], track[2, 0], track[6, 1], track[6, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR rr, cc, val = line_aa(track[3, 1], track[3, 0], track[7, 1], track[7, 0]) img[rr, cc] = BB_COLOR if occlusion: occlusion_ratio = actor_type_tracks[track_id]['occlusion'] img = cv2.putText(img, f'{occlusion_ratio:.0f}', (cmin, rmin), FONT, FONT_SCALE, BB_COLOR, FONT_THICKNESS, cv2.LINE_AA) return img
[docs]class NotSpawnedError(RuntimeError): """ Indicates an attempt to use a sensor that is not instantiated in any world. """ pass
[docs]class Display: """ Base class for displays that does nothing with received image. :param res: Resolution of this display. :type res: :class:`Res` """ def __init__(self, res: Resolution = Res.DEFAULT): self.res = res self.feed = None self.stopped = False
[docs] def render(self, array: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) -> None: """ Process the provided camera image. :param array: Height by width by 3 (RGB color channels) image array. :param offset: Position of the top left corner in screen coordinates to start rendering from. Subclasses may ignore it if not supported. :type array: np.array of np.uint8 """ pass
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Restart the display, reconnecting to last used camera. """ if self.stopped: if self.feed is not None: self.feed.attach_display(self) self.stopped = False else: logger.debug("Display not connected to feed, can not start") else: logger.debug("Display already started")
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop the display, remembering the camera connected to but disconnecting from it. """ if not self.stopped: if self.feed is not None: self.feed.detach_display(self) self.stopped = True else: logger.debug("Display already stopped")
[docs] def attach_to(self, feed) -> None: """ Attach to a specific camera. :param feed: Camera to attach to. :type feed: :class:`sensors.Camera` """ self.detach() feed.attach_display(self) self.feed = feed
[docs] def detach(self) -> None: """ Detach from the camera and stop displaying. """ if self.feed is not None: try: self.feed.detach_display(self) except RuntimeError: # If the feed is already destroyed pass self.feed = None
[docs] def resize(self, res: Resolution) -> None: """ Change own resolution and reconnect to the camera, so it can adjust the images sent. :param res: New resolution. :type res: :class:`Res` """ if self.feed is None: raise NotSpawnedError() else: feed = self.feed self.detach() self.res = res self.attach_to(feed)
[docs] def destroy(self) -> None: """ Disconnect from camera and close self. Can't be restarted after destroying. """ self.detach()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.destroy()
[docs] def intercept_event(self, event: pygame.event) -> bool: return False
[docs]class SplitScreen(Display): """ A split screen display uses a part of a larger display. Can only be used on displays that allow rendering with offset. :param res: Resolution of this display. :type res: :class:`Res` :param offset: Left right corner of this display in pixels of parent display. :type offset: (int, int) :param parent: Larger display to use a part of. :type parent: :class:`Display` """ def __init__(self, res: Resolution, offset: Tuple[int, int], parent: Display): super().__init__(res) self.offset = offset self.parent = parent
[docs] def render(self, array: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) -> None: offset = (offset[0] + self.offset[0], offset[1] + self.offset[1]) self.parent.render(array, offset)
[docs] def intercept_event(self, event: pygame.event) -> bool: return self.parent.intercept_event(event)
[docs]class PyGameWindow(Display): """ PyGame window displayed on the monitor. Using fake display with pygame will make it invisible. The window is necessary to capture key strokes. """ def __init__(self, res: Resolution = Res.DEFAULT, fullscreen: bool = False): super(PyGameWindow, self).__init__(res) self.fullscreen = fullscreen self.display_flags = pygame.RESIZABLE self.fullscreen_flags = pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.FULLSCREEN self.display: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None self.set_display()
[docs] def set_display(self) -> None: self.display = pygame.display.set_mode( self.res, self.fullscreen_flags if self.fullscreen else self.display_flags )
[docs] def render(self, array: np.ndarray, offset: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) -> None: if self.display is not None: surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(array.swapaxes(0, 1)) self.display.blit(surface, offset)
[docs] def resize(self, res: Resolution) -> None: """ Resize to new resolution. Underlying PyGame implementation is not very reliable. """ super().resize(res) self.set_display()
[docs] def intercept_event(self, event: pygame.event) -> bool: """ Intercepts window resizing events. """ if event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: res = Resolution(event.w, event.h) self.resize(res) return True return False
[docs] def split_screen(self, res: Resolution, offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> SplitScreen: """ Create a smaller screen from a part of this one. """ screen = SplitScreen(res, offset, self) return screen